
An API instance must be initialize using the initializeApi function in ternoa-js/blockchain before calling some SDK functions. The default chain endpoint is:

DEFAULT_CHAIN_ENDPOINT = "wss://alphanet.ternoa.com".

It can be modified by passing a new endpoint as a parameter to the initializeApi function.

Functions are organized by theme. In the example below, the import of generateSeed and getKeyringFromSeed from the subpath ternoa-js/account allows us to generate a new account and display its address.

import { generateSeed, getKeyringFromSeed } from "ternoa-js/account";

(async () => {
  const account = await generateSeed()
  const keyring = await getKeyringFromSeed(account.seed)
  const address = keyring.address
  console.log("Your fresh public address is: ", address)
})().catch((e) => {

Among all the features provided by the Ternoa SDK, this short snippet of code allows you to create an NFT, submit and sign it at a glance.

This single line createNft function, require a few parameters :

  • some offchainData metadatas,

  • a royalty,

  • a collectionId

if you want this NFT to belong to a collection, a boolean to define its isSoulbound status, the keyring to sign and submit the transaction, and a waitUntil callback parameter, to define at which point we want to get the results of the transaction execution.

import { createNft } from "ternoa-js/nft"
import { generateSeed, getKeyringFromSeed } from "ternoa-js/account"

const createMyFirstNFT = async () => {
  try {
    // We initialize an API instance connected to the Alphanet chain
    await initializeApi()

    // Here we create, sign and submit the NFT transaction with your keyring
    await createNft("My first NFT", 10, undefined, false, keyring, WaitUntil.BlockInclusion)
  } catch (e) {

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